12/2024, DOE and EPA
High-Efficiency, Durable Low-Temperature Catalytic Methane Oxidation System for On-Site Natural Gas Generators Powering LNG Compressors
DOE announced “Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) – Methane Emissions Reduction Program Oil and Gas Methane Monitoring and Mitigation” program.
In the project titled “High-Efficiency, Durable Low-Temperature Catalytic Methane Oxidation System for On-Site Natural Gas Generators Powering LNG Compressors” (Total award of $7,500,000), HighT-Tech is partnering with the University of California, Riverside, Yale University and BASF to develop methane oxidation catalysts using HighT-Tech’s proprietary Thermal Shock process. The work will focus on further developing the catalysts and pilot manufacturing process, maintaining high activity at low operation temperatures, and commercial viability. The team will work with customers to demonstrate a methane oxidation system for natural gas generators powering LNG compressors.
Methane is a greenhouse gas that has more severe warming effects than CO2. Unfortunately, methane emissions into the atmosphere have long been ignored and considered a trivial matter. HighT-Tech’s thermal shock catalysts will reduce methane emissions through our innovative technologies.

11/2024, DOE-ARPAE
Rapid Surface Graphitization of Carbon Anode for In Situ Regeneration of Batteries
HighT-Tech will develop ultrathin and compact protective coating material for the graphite surface using ultrafast high-temperature
sintering. The technology would enable in situ lithium iron phosphate/graphite battery cell regeneration and lengthen the lifetime.
Since lithium iron phosphate/graphite cells are relatively low-cost to produce, recycling the cells is prohibitively expensive. In this case, generating the battery, which recovers or restores the battery’s capacity, could be a more efficient and sustainable solution. This technological advancement would support the expanding $15 billion lithium iron phosphate/graphite battery market.

11/2024, DOE-EERE
Scale-up the UHS Manufacturing for Solid-state Electrolyzer to produce Hydrogen
HighT-Tech is leading a new $ 6.7 million DOE project with West Virginia University and University of Maryland to scale up the UHS manufacturing of solid-state electrolyzers for hydrogen production.
The grant from DOE underscores the significance of HighT-Tech's technology in addressing the challenges of high-temperature manufacturing. Leveraging our cutting-edge technologies, HighT-Tech aims to develop innovative manufacturing to reduce processing time and energy consumption, support local economic growth, and invest in workforce development.

HighT-Tech Scale-up the UHS Manufacturing of Solid-State Batteries
HighT-Tech is participating in a new $4 million DOE-EERE project, teaming with Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to scale up the UHS manufacturing of oxide-based electrolytes and solid-state batteries, which are intrinsically nonflammable.
The project will transform the current batch process for fabricating and sintering solid oxide-based electrolytes into a continuous process. This project will also integrate the NMC cathode, electrolyte, and anode into full cells and scale them up from the current button cell (≤10 mAh) to ≥ 1 Ah and ≥350 Wh/kg.

11/2021, R&D WORLD
UHS rapid sintering wins a 2021 R&D 100 award
Our study on UHS rapid sintering (Science 2020) has won a prestigious 2021 R&D 100 Award in the Process/Prototyping category.
Established in 1963, the R&D 100 Awards is the only S&T (science and technology) awards competition that recognizes new commercial products, technologies and materials for their technological significance that are available for sale or license. The R&D 100 Awards have long been a benchmark of excellence for industry sectors.

11/2020, ARPA-E
New Environmental-Thermal Barrier Coatings for Ultrahigh Temperature Alloys
HighT-Tech is participating a new ARPA-E project with UMD to leverage a newly invented, ultrafast high-temperature sintering (UHS) method to perform fast exploration of new environmental-thermal barrier coatings (ETBCs) for 1300°C (2372 °F)-capable refractory alloys for harsh turbine environments. UHS enables ultrafast synthesis of high-melting oxide coatings, including multilayers, in less than a minute, enabling rapid evaluation of novel coating compositions. By using UHS with fast-fail tests and modeling and analytics tools, the team will be able to explore hundreds of compositions and coating architectures to design and optimize 1700°C (3092 °F)-capable ETBCs with different layer sequences, thicknesses, porosity levels, and novel compositions.

09/2020, ARPA-E
Pipe-in-Pipe by Rapid, Continuous, Smart Alloy Coating
HighT-Tech is participating a new ARPA-E project with UMD to develop a smart alloy coating for use in pipe-in-pipe configurations with the patented high-temperature sintering process.
A novel smart alloy coating is rapidly sintered with a high-temperature Joule heating bar directly from the alloy powders in approximately 10 seconds. The coating can be scaled to meet commercial market demands due to its high sintering density, mechanical strength, and self-healing properties.

05/2020, Science
Science Cover Article on Ultrafast High Temperature Sintering (UHS)
Our paper “A general method to synthesize and sinter bulk ceramics in seconds. (Science 2020, 368, 521-526.)” led by the Co-Founders of HighT-Tech LLC is selected as the cover image for Science, which introduces an ultrafast high-temperature sintering (UHS) process for the fabrication of ceramic materials by radiative heating.